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Kim’s Bookshelf: May Book Reviews

So here we REVIEW again…

This month was a heavy hitting month because I ended up completing five books this month! What made this possible was of course audiobooks. I decided to break down and pay for Audible. I’m still trying to figure out the in’s & out’s of the app but so far it’s cool.

Now though I read five books, I’m only going to review four. The fifth book is an acquaintance’s book & since I’ll have to be honest with my review….It’s best to keep my thoughts to myself…if you know what I mean! (Y’all know I’m a tough critic lol!)

Anywho, let’s jump in:

The Five People You Meet In Heaven

So guys, the next two books are by the same author, Mitch Albom. I reviewed his first book, Tuesdays with Morrie, in March’s Book Shelf Review. I would have to say I really love this author! After reading three of his books, I can say I love his writing style & his attention to detail. This book has a very interesting plot. An elderly man unexpectantly dies & is whisked off to heaven. He meets 5 different people that somehow effected his life (whether known or unknown to the protagonist) & each person explains something about his life & existence. By the end of the story, he understands his life fully & in turn becomes apart someone else’s “5 people.” It’s such a refreshing & intriguing illustration of heaven & the underlying tone is that we are all here for a purpose & our lives impact other lives.

The Next Person You Meet In Heaven

A follow-up to the first book does not disappoint! In this book & staying in line with the first, the plot explores another person‘s journey to heaven & gives an explanation of why things happened in her life the way that they did. I won’t give too much away because these are two books that I would highly recommend for you to read especially if you like fiction. Just know that the protagonist in this book has a major role in the protagonist’s life of the previous book (The 5 People You Meet In Heaven)…hope that makes sense LOL!

Evil Eye

So Evil Eye is a VERY interesting book because it is told through phone conversations & voicemails. I’ve never read a book done like this and it is GENIUS. So basically in this book you are introduced to an Indian family. The mother is really trying to get her daughter married. She arranges dates and even consults a spiritual match maker for her adult daughter but nothing seems to work. The interesting twist comes when the daughter finds a boyfriend on her own BUT something is just not right about him. It’s just too good to be true! Eventually, we find out that the mother’s past comes back to haunt her. If you like a suspense thriller, this is the book for you!

The Mystery of Alice

Last but not least, The Mystery of Alice. now I will be honest with you this book is best for a teen or young adult but I didn’t know that when I first got the book. Just like Evil Eye, this book is told through video messages. The author uses a series of videos on her cell phone camera to tell the story. It’s an interesting book with a dark twist. I’d say this is a good book for your teen. It’s safe & free of any inappropriate content.